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When God Churned the Ocean — A Fable of Love and Darkness

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

The Master Himself was at work for seven consecutive days. An unusual silence enveloped the heavens, and God’s voice remained silent.

It was as if the divine hands of the Creator were tirelessly churning the vast ocean that spanned the Earth, much like a skilled potter molding clay. Within the celestial realm, the angelic community awaited with bated breath, their curiosity mounting, wondering what profound transformation this cosmic churn would yield.

With each powerful churn, the anticipation among the angels soared. Soon enough, the entire landscape metamorphosed into a scenic spring, where fragrant blossoms graced every nook, the sweet serenades of birds resounded through the air, and fountains performed a graceful dance to their own enchanting melody.

The first manifestation emerged from the churning depths — a deep red shadow that brought smiles to the faces of all present. The entire angelic congregation bowed their heads in reverence.

God’s voice finally broke the silence, as He said the following in the most soothing voice,

My dear child,

Go forth and seek a place within the hearts of every human on Earth.

Approach them not with coercion, but with gentle persuasion. When someone earnestly seeks you, respond to their call.

Only those who accept you with open hearts shall truly comprehend the essence of life.

“Love” — You shall be called henceforth.

A shower of fragrant flowers rained upon Love, who had now transformed into a beautiful pink dove.

Just when the angels believed the spectacle had reached its conclusion, God, in serene silence, resumed the ocean’s churn. The task was only halfway complete, and He still had to restore the balance of the ocean.

The atmosphere swiftly darkened, and an eerie feeling pervaded the surroundings. Fear gripped the angels who had previously reveled in jubilation. With the intensifying churn, the darkness deepened, and ominous creatures gathered around.

Finally, a foreboding shadow emerged from the depths of the churn, striking fear into every heart. No one dared to smile, but God did.

He addressed the shadow, with the same amount of affection He had shown the pink dove.

My dear child,

Light has no identity without darkness, and hence you are important.

While Love will be the light, and you shall be the darkness.

Your task is to prod every individual on Earth and tempt them with all things worldly. Tempt them once, and tempt them a hundredth time until they give unto you.

“Lust” — You shall be called henceforth.

Only those who manage to seek Love even in the clutches of your influence shall be deemed true seekers of Love.

The shadow then took on the form of a dark crow, and both the pink dove and the dark crow stood before God, who regarded them with the same equanimity.

While the angels were still confused as to why God had created this dark shadow, God continued to address both the birds.

“It is easier to be good when there is no evil involved. But the true human being, even when under the deep influence of lust, shall yearn for love.

Thus, both of you are needed, and shall act as instruments for identifying the one who treads the path of righteousness.

Keep in mind, both of you originate from the same wellspring. One embodies sacrifice, while the other embodies selfishness.

An image of a black crow and a pink dove — signifying lust and love respectively
An image of a black crow and a pink dove — signifying lust and love respectively

While the angels displayed starkly contrasting reactions to both entities, God’s countenance remained unchanged, whether fashioning love or shaping desire. He is God, after all!

Bidding farewell to both, God resumed administration of the world.

Meanwhile, in a parallel world, The Silent Monk woke up one morning, gazed out of his window, and saw a pink dove and a shadowy crow sitting on a tree— their presence indicating a profound reflection of the intricate dance between light and darkness that goes on constantly within our consciousness. I wonder which path would he eventually choose.

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