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“Unfortunately, Love Comes With an End Date!”

The unfortunate fate of Love is that it has to end! Which of the two ways it ends — the good way or the bad way, it is for us to decide.

Photo by Beatriz Pérez Moya on Unsplash

When life is all sunshine and rainbows, we often forget that it will eventually rain someday. And when it rains, all the sunshine will be overshadowed by the darkest clouds — which may not even have any silver lining. Mixie and Maxie had been recently experiencing such dark clouds in their relationship.

Maxie (the male mouse) had married the love of his life Mixie (the female mouse), amidst the most beautiful setting in the forest. The elephants and unicorns had themselves come to bless the adorable couple with a lifetime of togetherness. The sky was covered with rainbows, and good luck was about to be showered in abundance on the husband and wife.

It is a match made in heaven!”, whispered the sparrows in the gathering.

Either the sparrows figured it wrong that it was a match made in heaven, or if it truly was so, then even the match made in heaven also experiences the ebbs and flow of a relationship. Little did the beautiful couple know that the road ahead was anything but straightforward.

It was all love at the start!

They had a wonderful one year of marriage, and it was all love. Of the two, Maxie has always been the wise one — bringing stability to their relationship, and Mixie the more cheerful one — always adding smiles and happiness to their mundane routine.

And O boy! were they the hand-holding couple wherever they would go 😃! Beach dates, ice creams, rains—their romance was talk of the town, and the peacocks, the monkeys, and the squirrels were all very happy for the adorable M&M couple.

But the honeymoon butterflies fade away!

It had been a year of a beautiful marriage, but the honeymoon butterflies were fading away pretty quickly. Slowly, the hand-holding was getting less tighter, and eventually there was no hand-holding at all. As personal differences grew, so did the walking distance between the two of them. The peacocks, the monkeys, and the squirrels were not happy to see their favorite couple in this fashion.

But at home, matters were even worse!

The couple who once would not have their cheese alone now rarely wanted to see each other. Things were not ideal but at least quiet. But even that did not last very long, and one day the couple had the worst of arguments.

Whenever couples have arguments, it is not because of their differences of opinion about a particular thing or instance.

It is because the love within their hearts for each other is diminishing.

And at times, the love and affection becomes so less, that even the smallest of difference can overpower the same.

When days and months passed!

Days and months passed, but the situation did not improve. In fact, the news spread around the forest that both Mixie and Maxie were sleeping in different holes in their burrow. The old-school elephants, being the eldest and the wisest member of the animal kingdom, did not want to see the young couple in such a state!

Both had not spoken since the argument.

The anatomy of an argument is that it always starts with anger and ends with guilt.

Mixie and Maxie were now feeling guilty about their behavior, but only partly. But feeling guilty post an argument is always the easiest part. The toughest part is to admit it openly and to be ready to make amends for it — which no one was ready to do it yet.

How Love comes with an end date!

May be it was the day where it all comes to an end!

One fine day, when Maxie was preparing cheese and tea only for himself, he saw Mixie sitting alone under a tree. She was constantly gazing at a road that goes deep into the forest, gets lost somewhere, and does not come back. In that moment, she was just ready to go where the road took her, and maybe this was unfortunate the day when the made-in-heaven match came to an end.

Mixie might finally go away,” that one thought brought tears to Maxie’s eyes. The cheerful Mixie was not cheerful anymore, and the wise Maxie could not see her that way.

Hence, for the first time in many months, Maxie went and sat by her side. As Maxie tried to held her hand, she nodded with a “No”, indicating that she just could not stay back. Mixie yet could not say anything as tears had momentarily taken away her voice.

Finally mustering a lot of wisdom and courage, Maxie said what he should have said a long time ago!

“Mixie, I always thought Love comes with an end date.

Either it is the love that perishes or the loved ones themselves! In one way or the other, the unfortunate fate of love is that it has to end. But it is for us to decide how we want its end to be!

And I do not want our Love to end the first way just because we both have failed to take care of it.

Mixie, I don’t know when where or how did our Love vanish. But I know that if I cannot sustain my love for you, I cannot love anyone else in the entire forest.

Remember when we said, “Till Death Do Us Part! And I truly want us to …..”

Maxie’s voice broke, and he could not complete the last sentence. But Mixie understood what he meant.

For a long time thereafter, there was silence yet again.

Eventually, amidst tears and silence, Mixie leaned onto Maxie, kept her head on his shoulder, and held her hand very tightly like she used to do. No words were spoken yet again, but the silence was rectifying everything arguments had damaged in their relationship.

Mixie understood what Maxie was trying to say — “Love has to end one day. We make sure that it is not because of us, and only when death do us part!” Both of them had agreed to work on their differences and rejuvenate the love that they once had.

Sitting under the tree, gazing at the road getting lost in the forest, and with tea and cheese in their hands — the wise Maxie had returned, and the smile of the cheerful Mixie was also on its way. The adorable hand-holding couple was back, and in no time, the pigeons had spread the good news around the forest.

The peacocks, the monkeys and the squirrels were all very happy to see the most beautiful ‘M&M’ couple like they always wanted to be.

But the happiest were the old school elephants, the eldest and wisest member of the forest family.

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P.S. If you like Mixie and Maxie, here is another of their love story 😃 which is sure to make you reflect, smile and cry all at the same time!

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