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The famous thirsty crow opened an Instagram account 😲

Retelling of famous Aesop’s fable — a tale of two thirsty crows

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Once upon a time there was a crow and he was very very thirsty. He flew across lands and countries, but could not find any source of water. He was feeling extremely weak and had lost all the hope in the world. Suddenly, he saw a jug of water, and went straight to it. However, the water in the jug was very low.

He was desperately thinking about how to increase the water level in the jug. However while he was thinking, he realized, isn’t this the perfect moment to capture an Instagram story! He took out his cellphone, positioned it in the weirdest possible angle, and took a random ‘selfie’ that would put the world’s best photographers to shame. To this, he applied all the possible magic filters — that can turn a nobody into anybody — and posted with a caption:

“Hey peeps! Feeling thirsty. Tell me what to do. Love! Love!”

Immediately, his post began to gain traction. Apparently, if someone is in trouble, it becomes an instant hit in the social media world. Pain in the real world can often bring you fame in the virtual world. The whole world gets busy in showcasing their best self and how much they want to help (rather than actually helping 😄).

The crow started to enjoy all the fame he was getting on social media. He was very happy to see the entire community wanting to help him and debating how to save the crows from thirst. Amazed by the response, he immediately made an Instagram Reel, as it was the next go-to thing those days:

“Hey Peeps!, still wondering what to do? Let me know in the comments section. Share with your friends so they can help me as well. I need your dire support.
Love! Love!”

And so it happened that all the birds, cats, humans on the social media started pouring suggestions, and the post went viral. One of the bird lovers, started an online petition, stating that the birds are thirsty and need to be saved. And then what — the issue was picked up at the next G20 World summit, where all the world leaders were happy to acknowledge the issue and passed a resolution to work on it. #SaveThirstyCrows was trending on Twitter immediately. Soon, the social media influencers picked this and within no time #SaveHungryAnimals, #SaveAngryPeople started to trend in the virtual world.

As far as the thirsty crow was concerned, he was still making Instagram Reels, and stories and boomerangs, and had become a social media sensation. The legend says that there was also an Instagram filter “Thirsty crow” named after him, that would convert all other animals to thirsty crows. The crow was starting to become so popular that it gave Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylie Jenner a scare.

While the crow was busy increasing his social media following, three different thirsty crows came to the site — one came with a straw, the other with a sponge, and the third with lots and lots of pebbles. They all put these things in the jug, the water came up. They all drank the water, quenched their thirst and flew away. Now, there was no more water in the jug. The original thirsty crow was very disappointed to see this. All the likes, comments, shares were everything but not water. None of his “peeps” had actually done anything for him. The thirsty crow had learnt his lesson, threw away his cell phone and flew to unknown lands in search of water. Soon all his peeps also flew away, and #Wanderlust was trending on social media those days.

However, in a parallel universe, there was another thirsty crow who was faced with a similar situation. He was also in dire need of water and found a jug with very less water. He also opened his Instagram account and posted —

“Hey peeps! Tell me what to do. Love! Love!”

The social media following, the G20 World summit, the #SaveThirstyCrow all followed and the crow became an instant sensation in the social media world. This thirsty crow was very smart, and started collaborating with leading companies in the world.

“Hey peeps! Feeling thirsty — just order a cool drink from the new food delivery app. If you cannot find water, the water will find you. Love! Love!”

“Hey peeps! Not able to bear this heat — buy this prickly heat powder. Love! Love!”

The thirsty crow had now become the #TheCoolThirstyCrow.

And then what, the same three thirsty crows came to the site — one came with a straw, the other with a sponge, and the third with lots and lots of pebbles. They drank all the water in the jug, but #TheCoolThirstyCrow did not need it. He was surrounded by juices, clothes, goodies, air conditioners, and all the branded goods by his side.

He looked at the three thirsty crows drinking water from the jug, took out his cellphone, and took a random ‘click’ of the three crows — in the weirdest possible angle that puts entire photography art to shame 😃. To this, he applied the “Little Mermaid” filter and posted:

“Hey peeps! Still so old school!! Race ahead of time by joining my cohort course for self-help and better productivity. Love! Love!”

Legend says that the course got 10x oversubscribed within a matter of minutes.

Moral of the story:
 — We are all given similar resources and encounter similar situations. What we make of them is what defines us.
 — While the old stories always hold true, new stories emerge with time.

On a separate note, below is the original thirsty crow we all have heard about in our stories. He is still the same witty hard working crow putting pebbles in water, but someone else is increasing his social media following through him 😄. Definitely worth a share here.

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 — If you like reading animal stories, please refer to this list “Fables”.
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