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The easiest way to find fault in others 😃

Two stories centuries apart — one in 13th century and the other in 2023 — but with the same moral. I guess, the world is not progressing the way we think it to be!

Photo by Artur Voznenko on Unsplash

And the rant was on!

Sometimes I wonder if managers often have this superpower to just shout at someone and then don’t even bother to care how deeply it is affecting that particular person. In this particular instance, it was me who was being subjected to “constructive criticism”, and a list of gaps in my work had been handed over to me for “necessary action”. Because, it had happened so many times, I did not even feel bad about it.

The day ended and I was walking back home, reflecting on this particular instance, when I suddenly recalled an instance of “Nasreddin Hodja”. Those who don’t know about him, he is a folklore character of humorous short stories and satirical anecdotes! Usually you would laugh at his stories, only to realize that there is a deep philosophical message inside it.

And there is one common link between the great philosopher and The Silent Monk — we both love donkeys 😃. 
Here is a picture of him on a donkey, and here is the reason why donkey is The Silent Monk’s favorite animal.

By © Nevit Dilmen, CC BY-SA 3.0,

13th century — somewhere in the Middle East
Once Nasreddin went to a Hakim (a physician expert in traditional medicine, usually popular in Middle Eastern countries) — and asked: “My wife is unable to hear properly! Can you please prescribe some medication?”

The Hakim replied —

Nasreddin, your wife is getting old and loss of hearing is pretty common with ageing. I will prescribe the medication, but we need to understand how bad is the situation.

Once you go home, start calling her from a distance and try to gauge the distance from which she can hear.

Nasreedin nodded his head and went home. As soon as he reached the door of his house, he shouted — “Begum (wifey), what have you cooked for dinner today?

Nasreddin did not hear any response and hence he moved 10 feet inside the house and asked again — “Begum, I am asking what have you cooked for dinner today?”

Still there was no response, and now he went very close to his wife and literally shouted at her — “Begum, I have been asking you so many times what have you cooked for dinner today. Can’t you hear anything?

The wife who was now very furious, shouted back at her husband and said —

“I am tired of telling the same thing to you again and again. How many times should I tell you that I have cooked mutton for dinner today?

Go to a Hakim and get your ears tested before you can have any dinner.”

Isn’t it the easiest thing in life to find faults in others?

We just have to overlook all our shortcomings and the faults of others would already be out in the open.

So tell me and tell me honestly — did you find any fault in someone today 😃 ?

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P.S. If you liked this article, you might like my other donkey stories😃:

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