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Newton’s three laws of life

An analogy between Newton’s three laws of motion and life 😃

Photo by Andrew George on Unsplash

I was refreshing my memory with Newton’s three laws of motion, but suddenly my mind began to wander. It started to ponder upon whether I was reading the three laws of motion or the three laws of life.

I. Newton’s First law of life

A body in motion tends to remain in motion and a body at rest tends to remain at rest, until and unless acted upon by an outside force.

Safe to say, the same goes for life as well. Often we often find ourselves stuck in the worst of life situations, simply hoping to get out of it. We can continue to debate how difficult the circumstances are or we can gather the courage to put things right. Simply put, things won’t change unless we decide to do something about them. And if it requires an action or effort from our end, we must be determined to do that.

The world is not interested in the difficulties you face. You must learn to pursue excellence and show remarkable resilience no matter the circumstances. Germany Kent

II. Newton’s Second law of life

The force is directly proportional to the acceleration.

How far we go in our endeavors is an outcome of how motivated we are and how much hard work we are ready to put into it. A half-hearted effort will only get you a little far ahead. But to win the race, you need to make a dedicated effort and sustain that for a long period to see the result.

Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. — Napoleon Hill

III. Newton’s third law of life

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Remember the time when we would shout at the mountains only to have the same echoed back to us. Whatever we give, comes back to us in some form. An act of gratitude will bring you back gratitude and kindness whereas hurtful comments will only bring you back hate.

An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. — M.K. Gandhi

I am so tempted to call these laws as “Silent Monk’s Three laws of Life”, but would let Sir Issac Newton take credit for these 😃.

But my mind continues to wander — I marvel if Newton was a great philosopher disguised as a physicist. Or maybe life and science are not that different after all, and being a philosopher or a physicist are one and the same think 😄!!!

Please share your thoughts about the article, and if you ever find science and life highly interconnected. I would love to read them all.
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