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My Lovely Loose Pyjama — and a Happy Life Story 😄!

Pants vs Pyjama — What’s your take?

Photo by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash — Original Image cropped by the Author

What was once a flat stomach is now metamorphosing into a protruding under belly.
Like may of us, my unhealthy corporate lifestyle coupled with busy city living is having a toll on my health. After all, who has time to prioritize their health over never ending corporate ladders and the premium city club memberships? So engrossed I had been in my endless pursuits of not-so-important things, that I failed to notice my protruding under belly.

But do you know, who does not fail to notice my under belly? — “My Perfect Corporate Pants!”

My pants and myself had a perfect relationship. Simply put, we rocked! Whenever my pants and myself entered a board room meeting, we made sure everyone stops what they were doing and lend us a ear. We make heads turn in a leadership meeting, give the most amazing presentations, get the most ravishing reviews from our clients, and are a talk of the office-town. Such is the popularity of my pants and myself together, that everyone in the office want to get themselves snapped with the picture-perfect power couple.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash — Original image cropped by the Author.

But Wait! There is a problem!

Behind the visibly most happy, photogenic and made for each other couple, there is a problem — we don’t fit into each other any more. While my pants and myself are busy gathering praises at a corporate dinner, we both can feel the itchiness inside. The pressure of the button to hold each other together is just too tight! We are desperate to get away from the limelight and be alone, where we can just get rid of each other.

However, hard we both may try — it just isn’t working anymore.

All the materialistic gains of a relationship are pointless if we do not feel comfort in each others embrace.

Image created by Author with a Quote — “All the materialistic gains of a relationship are pointless if we do not feel comfort in each others embrace.”

The moment I get back in my high rise apartment, my pants and myself go into separate rooms. What used to be a perfect relationship, has become unbearable now.

And here comes my Pyjama 😄!

Just when I was pondering about how modern day relationships often change with time — I noticed there is a very old, worn out pyjama just peeping from the wardrobe. The pyjama said “Hello”, and I could not help but wear it on. The moment I wore it, it brought a big bright smile on my face — just like this smiley 😄.

The pyjama was not bothered if I was not in shape anymore — it adjusted itself to my size. And I was not bothered a dime that it had faded and was worn out.
We both happily accepted each other the way we were — fat, torn, out of fashion — but together and happy!

The best part — my pyjama does not judge me, but just accepts me for who I am. We are having our dinner together and my pyjama does not mind that I am a clumsy eater 😄!

Safe to say, that our relationship has stood the test of time.

It does not bother the pyjama that my belly has begun to protrude, and it does not bother me a dime that the pyjama is all faded, and even worn out at places.

Image created by Author with Quote — “Safe to say, that our relationship has stood the test of time.”

We do not go together to the office or to any other fancy parties, not even for a neighborhood get together. But we do make each other happy, and sometime that is all that matters.

I am happy, and when I am happy — I drink a cup of tea😄. I have put an extra teaspoon of sugar in it today. I am sitting on a couch, in a silent corner in my apartment on a Friday night, with a cup of tea in my hand, legs resting comfortably on the table ahead, and a pyjama that is giving me the comfort of lifetime.

What does The Silent Monk thinks about ‘Pants’ and ‘Pyjamas’?

At the slightest sniff of a good cup of tea, The Silent Monk awakens — an aroma that awakens both his senses and his spirit.

The Silent Monk wonders that often our relationships — either romantic or otherwise — can be described as either perfect corporate pants or lovely loose pyjamas.

The corporate pants make us picture perfect, capable of achieving far fetched goals, and make everyone else envy of our togetherness. But however perfect we may be on the outside, there is a slight itch inside which continues to grow as time takes its toll on us.

And then there are pyjamas — we may be the most ordinary looking couple, doing only the most mundane things in life together. Nothing glittery and nothing sparkling! But you know what — we make each other happy and often that is all that matters.

In our pyjama relationships, we do not judge, but just accept each other.

Image created by Author with Quote — “In our pyjama relationships, we do not judge, but just accept each other.”

In a world where we all have numerous corporate pants, disco pants, airport pants, what matters is how many lovely loose pyjamas do we have.

Let me know of your favorite relationship (romantic or otherwise)— which is like an ever accommodating, ever forgiving and ever loving pyjama 😃!

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