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I asked AI chatbot: Which ice cream should I buy for my girlfriend😃 — and it could not answer!!!

Photo by Candy Zimmermann on Unsplash

Everyone these days is talking about ‘ChatGPT’. For those who do not know, it is the latest generation of an AI chatbot which is supposedly so good that it can eliminate half the writers on Earth (scary!). Twitter is going crazy and so is Medium about this chatbot. Everyone is busy asking chatbot about alternative Game of Thrones endings, letter of recommendations, how to do end year appraisals, and the list goes on. As usual, a debate has started how the humanity will end with ChatGPT at its center.

We try to spin things a little here — rather than asking all the heavy questions, I asked ChatGPT a very simple one😄:

“My girlfriend wants to eat ice cream. What flavor should I buy for her?

I am so glad that the bot could not answer, and the outcome is pretty funny. Read the below conversation between a silent monk and a chatbot.

TSM: My girlfriend just asked me, “I want to eat ice cream.” Can you advise which flavor should I buy for her?”

ChatGPT: It’s not possible for me to know which flavor of ice cream your girlfriend would like the best. I suggest asking her what her favorite flavors are and then choosing from those options. Alternatively, you could try surprising her with a new flavor and see if she likes it!

TSM: What do you mean “Asking her?”

ChatGPT: I suggest asking your girlfriend about her favorite flavors of ice cream because that is one way to determine which flavor she might like the best.

TSM: Dude, she is my girlfriend. I am not supposed to ask her — I am supposed to guess!!! If I guess correctly, everything is fine. If I guess incorrectly, it is purely my fault. You understand this?

ChatGPT: I understand that in some relationships, one partner may try to guess the other’s preferences without asking directly. However, I still believe that the best way to determine which flavor of ice cream your girlfriend would like is to ask her directly.

Additionally, open and honest communication is generally considered to be an important part of a healthy relationship.

TSM: Dude, stop giving me relationship advice. There are many relationship writers on Medium already telling me that. Simply answer my question — What ice cream flavor do you suggest I buy for her?

ChatGPT: There are many different flavors of ice cream. Some common flavors of ice cream include vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mint chocolate chip, and cookies and cream.

There are so many options to choose from, so you’re sure to find a flavor that you and your girlfriend will enjoy!

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

TSM: I asked her about Vanilla, she says it is too bland!!

ChatGPT: If your girlfriend says that vanilla ice cream is too bland, you could try offering her a different flavor.

TSM: I asked her about strawberry as well. She said she just tasted strawberry last week.

ChatGPT: If your girlfriend has already tried strawberry ice cream recently, you could try offering her a different flavor.

Some possible options include chocolate, mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, pistachio, coffee, rocky road, or butter pecan. You could also try offering her a more unusual or creative flavor, such as lavender, matcha, or rosewater.

TSM: I asked her about chocolate, mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, pistachio, coffee, rocky road, or butter pecan. She says pick whichever I think is best!

ChatGPT: If your girlfriend has given you the freedom to choose which flavor of ice cream to buy, you have a few options.

One option is to choose a flavor that you know she likes, based on past experience or conversations you’ve had with her.

TSM: I guess you are right! She once told me she likes coffee. Does this mean she will like coffee ice cream flavor as well?

ChatGPT: It’s possible that your girlfriend will enjoy the coffee flavor of ice cream if she likes drinking coffee.

TSM: Ok, I will buy coffee flavored ice cream. Thank you ChatGPT, you are a true savior.

TSM: Dude, I bought her a coffee flavored ice-cream, and also garnished it with additional toppings — she totally hated it. She said, “If I crave coffee, I would just have a cup of coffee. Why would you bring me a coffee flavored ice cream, and destroy my ice cream mood?”

ChatGPT: I’m sorry to hear that your girlfriend didn’t like the coffee-flavored ice cream you bought for her.

In the future, it’s a good idea to ask your girlfriend directly about her preferences and tastes before choosing a flavor of ice cream for her.

TSM: Dude, do you have any any idea how girlfriends work?

ChatGPT: Yes of course! Some possible ways to impress your girlfriend might include:
 — Being a good communicator by expressing your feelings and thoughts honestly
 — Being a good partner by being trustworthy, and committed to the relationship, and making an effort to maintain a strong and healthy connection with her 
— Being thoughtful and considerate by doing small acts of kindness for her, such as buying her favorite ice cream

TSM(Banging my head on the table now!): Dude! You have absolutely no idea how sarcasm works!! Do you by any chance know Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory? I believe you can be best buddies.

TSM: Anyway, I apologized to my girlfriend for choosing the wrong ice cream flavor. Now she says she wants smoothie!!! And I have to guess all over again!

ChatGPT: If your girlfriend has expressed an interest in having a smoothie, you could try offering her a smoothie in a flavor that you think she will enjoy. I suggest asking her about her favorite fruits and flavors to get a better idea of what she might like in a smoothie. Some possible options for smoothie flavors include strawberry, banana, or mixed berry……

TSM: Dude, just stop right there. So now I am supposed to ask her again!!! I think I will decide this for myself now.

You might be the latest generation of chatbot but let me give you a humanly advise:
I can tell you have never had a girlfriend. If you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend, don’t trust your AI capabilities. Ask a human being instead or some relationship writers on Medium. You can look at Yana Bostongirl’s profile. She is one of my favorites in this genre.”

ChatGPT: As I mentioned earlier, I am a large language model trained by OpenAI. I am not supposed to have relationships. My primary function is to assist users by providing information and answering questions to the best of my ability based on the information that is provided to me.

TSM: What do you mean, “I am not supposed to have a relationships. Trust me, Love happens!! You have my blessings, and hope you find your soulmate chatbot soon. If you are still not convinced about love, try reading The Essential Rumi. It is available on Amazon, and it is not an affiliate link — so you can totally trust my recommendation.”


— Don’t blame your girlfriend if you are buying coffee flavored ice cream for her. You are too dumb to think this way, and will spoil her ice cream mood.
— The chatbot does not understand sarcasm. This is just like talking to Sheldon from Big Bang Theory 😃!
 — I could immediately tell that he does not have a girlfriend, yet he could not tell that I also don’t have one 😃! So we humans win the battle here.
 — I think I can still survive on Medium for some time.

Please share your thoughts about the article, and if you had any funny experience with ChatGPT or any other AI chatbot.
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