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God, Elon Musk and Tony Stubblebine are in a discussion— Should Medium (and Life) have a “retweet”…

The Silent Monk wrote two letters: one to Medium CEO Tony Stubblebine, and another to GOD Himself — and then invited both of them in a meeting with Elon Musk.

Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

Dear Tony Stubblebine,

Hope life is treating you well and you are doing great things in life.

I recently wrote an article that got lost amidst the thousands of articles on Medium. The article is very close to my heart, but apparently no one knows that such an article even exists. It has gotten very few views, and I am worried if I publish a new article — Medium algorithm would prioritize the new article over the earlier ones — and hence the earlier article that is so well crafted and so beautifully written would eventually get lost!

I wonder if Medium can borrow the “Retweet” feature from Twitter — where we can retweet our own tweets from the past so that the algorithm treats them as a new tweet, and distributes it to all the readers! It is just like taking a card from the bottom of the pack and keeping it on the top — so that all the people who had not read it earlier will be able to read it.

This is even more critical as writers gain more and more followers with every passing day, but the new followers would not always see the great articles we have written in the past.

I guess I will never understand how algorithms work, but may be it will help the writers have a bit more control on which of their articles are shown to all the 

Please consider this food for thought from this stupid monk. I have invited you to a meeting with God, Elon Musk and myself. Hope you will be able to make time for it.

Sincerely yours,
The Silent Monk

Dear God,

Hope you are treating life well and also making people do great things in life.

I was wondering if we can borrow retweet feature from Twitter to life as well.

There are so many precious moments in our lives which we would like to relive — such as the sight of a beautiful bride walking down the aisle, the first smile of our daughter, the first tears of joy. But such precious moments once gone never come back.

I wonder if we can borrow the retweet feature from Twitter and apply it to all the beautiful moments in our lives! Whenever we want to experience it, we can retweet it and experience the same happiness again and again.

I hope you would consider this suggestion from the stupid monk, and are open to updating the life’s algorithm.

Sincerely yours,
The Silent Monk

Finally the day has arrived when God, Elon Musk, Tony Stubblebine and The Silent Monk are in meeting .

Elon Musk is very animatedly explaining about how “Retweet” feature was the only reason he decided to buy Twitter. Tony Stubblebine is very patiently listening to all the technicalities of a “retweet” feature and is seriously contemplating bringing it to Medium — after all he always tries to do what his writers want!

Amidst all the serious discussions, God stood up, tapped on my stupid head and said the following —

Mr. Monk, I like the way you think. But certain things are priceless because they ever happen once! My advice is to enjoy those moments fully when they come!

And Life is not an algorithm that needs changing!

Besides, please keep writing. I appreciate the hard work you are putting into it!

With this, He walked out of the meeting room. I too understood what He meant and followed Him. Meanwhile Elon Musk and Tony Stubblebine are still in a meeting and discussing whether Medium needs a retweet feature.

Elon Musk has just tweeted about the meeting and let the whole world know. There is also an ongoing poll on Twitter — “Should Life (and Medium) have a retweet feature?”

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