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Four young men in Thailand with a prostitute — and a conversation you would least expect!

“Dear Sir, Do you want to have sex today?”

Photo by sk on Unsplash

When we hear of a trip to Thailand, usually, there is only one thing that comes to mind. And if I say nothing but the truth, all that you hear is true! It is not because the very beautiful country has nothing else to offer — but because most men visiting Thailand seek this one and only one thing.

For every tourist men that I saw wandering on the streets of Bangkok, every other lady is nothing but a prostitute.

And if she is not a prostitute, he still believes he can hook up with her somehow!

Surprisingly, you don’t even have to land in Thailand to observe this. The moment you sit on a flight headed to Bangkok or Pattaya, the majority will be men, and you can see that devilish grin on their faces as they are desperately looking to fuel their wildest fantasies.

Unfortunately, that was not the case here!

Unfortunately, that was not our intention when three of my friends and I headed for a week in Thailand around January 2020. We were all set to immerse ourselves in the beautiful mountains, beaches, temples, forests, and nothing else! But since it was an all-male group on a trip to Thailand, even God could not tell what was going to happen next 😃.

The night of the incident!

One night, my friends and I were returning from the beautiful beaches of Krabi after undertaking the splendid seven-island tour. Needless to say, all three of my friends were drunk — and I, as the only sober guy (often the case), was responsible for taking them safely to the resort.

Around 10 PM the night, and as we were walking from the beach to the resort, a lady approached me from the side and whispered in a very feeble voice —

“Sir, would you like to have sex today?”

I don’t remember if I was more shocked or afraid and asked in confusion — “What?”

Sir, we have the best girls! Whatever service you want we can provide. Which hotel are you staying — she can come straight to your hotel?

The lady, probably above 40 and dressed in the most appropriate corporate attire, was a representative of a (supposedly) massage parlor that we just happened to be crossing. She immediately took out a big hardbound album with the most glamorous photos of beautiful women.

She kept turning the pages and gave a very vivid description of all that could happen in the night, and how I might regret not capitalizing this opportunity!

For those two minutes of the conversation, the lady had objectified all the women in a manner that I could have never even dreamt of and in words that were way too strong for my stories!

Can I share something very honestly here?

For that brief moment of time, I don’t think I was thinking with my mind anymore.

She was selling dreams that could even put your wildest imagination to shame. And, to be honest, I have always had a very respectful viewpoint toward prostitution. If it is consensual and in a manner that benefits both parties, then there are worse things in the world than paid sex.

Had I engaged myself in that conversation any longer, I am pretty sure the story would have been different. But until that point, I had made enough mistakes to realize that the outcome of such momentary pleasure was never right in the long run.

And had I given into the temptation, I do not think I would be comfortable sharing this aspect of my life with my family and my loved ones, and would therefore have a guilt for the rest of my life.

I very respectfully denied it and walked away very briskly from the situation. My very drunk friends had absolutely no idea what had transpired.

On my way back to the hotel, there was one and only one thought going through my mind — “I never thought I could be so easily swayed!”

The Silent Monk wonders that it is very easy to refrain from any vice or immoral activity as long as it is out of our reach. But the moment we have it available at our disposal and can see the pleasures it has to offer, it becomes very difficult to walk away from it.

This goes for not just sexual pleasures but for all sort of addictions including drug use.

We reached the hotel, and the very eventful night finally ended.

The next morning!

My drunk friends were finally sober, and at the breakfast table, one of them suddenly recalled about something happening last night and asked me to explain the same.

While I was too shy to explain all of this, for them, it was among the most amazing stories they were hearing! And then one of them suddenly asked me — “Why did you say ‘No’?”

I knew that my naughty friends would not understand, so I kept quiet. But when they kept pestering me, I said what I should not have said there —

I don’t think I can ever have sex without love.

They instantly erupted into laughter, and one of them even spit their coffee on all of us. Nobody agreed with me, and one even replied —

“Dude! you cannot have love without first having sex!”

And now all three of them unanimously agreed with this😃. I wonder when, where, and how my logic has all gone wrong 😄!

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