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F.R.I.E.N.D.S — 6 life lessons from our 6 favorite characters

Most sitcoms end with our dinner table conversations while others end with our breakfast the next day. But a very few become integral to our life long conversations, and these are the ones that have actually touched our hearts. It is not because of the laughter or the drama or the plot, but because we feel connected to the characters and somehow relate them to our own life. Safe to say, F.R.I.E.N.D.S is one such show that has touched people across generations and shall continue to do so.

But behind all the laughter and the occasional tears that we have often shed while watching this show, there are subtle life lessons that each of the happy-go-lucky characters have tried to convey. Often it gets masked under their stupid actions, yet we all continue to believe that they are all nice human beings. The same goes for all of us in real life as well — stupid on the outside but golden on the inside.

Let us deep dive into each of the six character, refresh our memories, and unravel the life lessons they have unknowingly imbibed in all of us.

Joey : We should keep things simple in life — “Food and How you doing?”. Life will turn out just fine.

Often we overthink life, and it takes away the pleasure of small things. All the talks about productivity, self awareness, growth — however important they might be — are simply worthless if we just cannot appreciate a good slice of pizza.

We may not have a stable career, nor a bank balance, not even a simple health insurance — but we can still be happy. Our happiness is within our own hands, and in the hands of friends and family around us. All we need to do is keep our inner child alive.

Even when you are thinking what a mess life is, and that nothing is sorted out — just ask yourself within your mind, “How you doing?”, and a smile awaits on your face.

Monica: We might always be looking for perfection, yet we love all our imperfect friends

In a group of imperfect people, we might be the only one trying to chase perfection. Our friends can be so childish at times that we often have to babysit them, cook thanksgiving dinners for them, give them place to stay — yet we do not mind doing any of it.

Why we do this? Simply because they are friends — may be a bunch of immature clowns — but they are still our clowns.

We should not make relationships/friends based upon how good, successful or perfect people are. Imperfect people are equally capable of fostering perfect relationships. And even if they are not like us, it does not matter. The beauty of a friendship is when different types of people come together, just like the beauty of a rainbow with seven totally contrasting colors put together.

Ross: Life will give you equal opportunities to be happy and sad. We should embrace them all.

Often we might be the nicest in a group, yet find ourselves in the worst of situations. It can vary from unknowingly marrying a homosexual to loosing your childhood crush for the nth time. However hard we try, at times we cannot rectify certain things, and just have to make peace with it.

But fret not! the universe cares for you and shall repay you all that is long due.

You will have a loving family with the most adorable son and a princess daughter, and a bunch of friends to cherish for eternity. Life will turn out just fine.

Chandler: You can be sarcastic, you can be insincere, you can be lame — yet you are good enough to help your friends when in need.

You may not be good with relationships, might be the worst dancer ever, and would only play games at your workplace — yet you know how to take care of your loving friends. You will pay for their food, cheer them up by taking them to dance clubs upon breakup, and even pee on them if stung by a jellyfish.

And you do this all for your friends while being at your lamest best. I wonder when did we start associating our maturity as our ability to help others.

Eventually, life will teach you a lot, and transform you from being an immature person to good enough to marry a woman who has chased perfection all her life. The universe works in mysterious ways!

Rachel — In all the mess that you are, you will learn to do the right thing when it matters the most.

We might be a spoilt brat with a rich inheritance, credit cards, a luxury lifestyle that can make anyone envy — but we have a habit of messing up big time. From running away from a wedding to letting go of your soulmate yet again — we have a world record in messing up. Nevertheless, we are our own favorites!

As life happens, we learn from our own mistakes and shall do the right thing when it matters the most.

Phoebe — You do you girl! However weird you might be to the outer world, you are the star of your own story. Never let anyone take that away from you.

We often care way too much about what people think of us — may be to such an extent that we start living our lives according to them. I wonder how difficult it is in today’s world to live a life on your own terms.

We should care less if people know that I cannot ride a bicycle, or that I believe in psychics and hate meat, or if my identical twin is an adult movie star!! All that matters is what we think of ourselves.

If we believe we are a gem of a guitarist, we should continue to sing and sing out aloud ‘Smelly Cat’ to please our own heart. The world can take care of itself.

One might call such a person as dumb while other might term her as confident — whatever may be the case, here is a person living life on her own terms.

As I end this article, I cannot help but reminisce that amidst all the laughter, cries, relationships and heart breaks, life will happen and everything will turn out just fine. There will be someone somewhere, who will hold your hand, give you tight hug and say, “Don’t worry! I’ll be there for you!” And in that moment, nothing else will matter anymore.

Please share your thoughts about the article, and your favorite Friends moments. Also share which Friends character do you relate to the most — I feel I have a bit of “Ross+Phoebe” in me 😃.
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