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Asking the right question is the answer! Wait what!

We are all seeking answers, but are we seeking answers to the right questions? Maybe not!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash — Cropped by Author

I remember during my secondary school we used to have comprehension based questions where a big essay would be given and we would have to find answers based upon the essay. When I went to college, the pattern continued in the form of Open Book exams, where entire book is the essay. Over the years, I have developed such a competency in this activity that can envy anyone.

Similarly, life is nothing but a big book, and we have been given a set of questions in the form of our problems — be it our financial situations, our personal growth, our relationships or anything else.

All we have to do is to read through the book and find answers to our problems from within the book itself. That is life!

“But Houston we have a problem! What makes us believe that we are answering the right questions?”

Let me share two scenarios to explain this perspective:

A. Most of us would like to be in a relationship, experience the warmth and intimacy from our loving partner. This gives us solace that no other thing can provide. But is this the only solution? 
What about finding solace in your own company, learning to love yourself before searching for love outside?

“How to find love outside?” and “How to love oneself?” are both very different questions, yet leading to same final destination of finding solace.

B. To all of the humanity that is busy chasing money, fame and power — what makes us believe that it will lead to more happiness? If our final answer is happiness, maybe the right thing to seek could be renunciation, or gratitude in whatever we have.

Hence, it brings me back to the starting point — we are all busy answering questions, but what makes us believe that are we answering the right questions?

Or there are questions hidden beneath the surface which we do not want to explore?

As we dive deeper into this subject, sharing three key observations for all the readers to help them imbibe this activity of seeking the right question!

I. Who changes the world — The ones who find the greatest answers or those who ask the greatest questions?

Covid was a question that nature posed on all of us, and the world responded with its amazing resilience to survive. The entire world came up with a great answer, but I am always inclined in favor of ones asking the greatest questions.

An old lady once told me, “Do you know someone once asked this great question — Who has created all of us? That was the point when GOD came into existence.”

I often wonder that with all the modern day efforts towards finding life in outer space, someone must have asked this question — “Is there life outside of Earth?”. A question that travelled far and wide such that the entire scientific community is finding answers to this.

The ones finding answers solve the greatest existing problems. But the ones seeking questions can add an entirely new dimension to humanity.

The former are like the most talented engineers — give them a problem and they will come up with the most efficient solution. But they latter are like the artists — you never know what they are going to paint on the canvas of Earth with their imagination.

II. We are all trying to answer questions which everyone else is busy answering.

Our life goes in a set pattern that is defined by society — school, education, job, money, family, kids, retirement. We are so busy answering the questions infused within us — that we lose the ability to seek the right questions!

And what makes you think that a question that is right for your friend, is right for you as well?

III. Nobody teaches us to ask the right questions.

In all the comprehension based exercise we have been doing throughout our life, we are only taught to find answers. Nobody has ever taught us to ask the right question. I wish there is a course at some point in our long education curriculum, where students are encouraged to ask the right questions.

How I am learning to ask the right question?

Based upon my experience, it is not a 3 steps process or “5 ways to ask the right questions” — it is a practice that we need to develop. Personally, I am trying to inculcate this habit through two simple ways:

Firstly, we must try to gain as much knowledge about a subject as possible. Our ability to ask the right question will only stem directly from our knowledge and observation of the subject. Be it Physics or Life, we will only ask stupid questions if we are not well versed with the subject.

Secondly, we have to take a pause. We need to create space within our mind for it to rejuvenate and ask the right question. If we are constantly seeking answers, our mind will not be able to do anything else.

I am still trying to mend my mind to seek the right questions rather than seeking the right answers. But it has been a long journey and still there are miles to go before I sleep.

But then I am confused!
Is seeking the right question? — the right question to seek? Or should I have just stuck to seeking answers for the standard life questions?😃

Never mind — I trust Life. Such has been the nature of my relationship with life — it often confuses me, leaves me stranded mid way, but eventually takes me home. I am sure that in due course of time we all will not only find the right questions but also answers to the same.

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