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Are you a “greedy dog” investing in crypto? Learn from The Silent Monk’s mistakes 😄!

A modern day retelling of the famous Aesop’s fables — “The greedy dog and the bone”

Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

Once upon a time there was a greedy dog who had a bone in his mouth.

The dog was passing by a lake and saw his own reflection in water. He was jealous to see another dog with a similar bone. The dog wanted that bone! Hence, he barked at his own reflection, only to realize that the bone has fallen in the water.

Not only did the greedy dog not get the extra bone, but he also lost the one bone that he already had!

Once there was a silent monk who was very very greedy. He was passing by a market, and saw a huge billboard stating —

“Are you courageous? If so, invest in crypto!”

The silent monk chuckled and said to himself, “Huh! Sure I am courageous! If not me, then who!” As he continued to walk, he found another advertisement stating —

“Are you a visionary? Is so, invest in the future and invest in crypto!”

The silent monk yet again had that dumb grin and said, “I am visionary! If I am not visionary, then who else is 😃?” As he was still grinning about the thought of him being courageous and visionary, he saw yet another advertisement —

“Are you able to take bold decisions? If so, invest in crypto!”

“That’s it!”, said the silent monk to himself. “I am courageous, I am visionary, and I am bold! I am investing in crypto!

When ‘The Silent Monk’ becomes ‘The Bitcoin Monk’!

The silent monk immediately opened an account with a very prominent crypto exchange and invested in all sorts of cryptocurrencies. What followed later was that whatever crypto coins the silent monk had invested, everything skyrocketed — and the news spread far and wide.

Everyone came looking for advice and guess what he would say — “Be courageous! Be visionary! Be bold! and invest in crypto!”

Now “The Silent Monk” was more popularly known as “The Bitcoin Monk!”

He even launched a Twitter handle advising people how to double their money in 21 days. All the courageous, visionary and bold people in the world were happily following ‘The Bitcoin Monk’. He is now spending more time guiding people to be visionary, rather than writing philosophical and thought-provoking stories on Medium (who reads his stories anyway 😃!).

The Silent Monk has realized that it is often easier to sell people dreams of a more “desirable future” than to educate them about the “harsh realities of the present times!

This pomp and show went on for a full month or two!

Suddenly, the news came that a very prominent crypto exchange named had filed for bankruptcy and all the investor’s money was now lost! The silent monk and many of his followers had kept their money in this exchange. The bankruptcy proceedings are ongoing in a US court and there is nothing any of the visionary investors can do about it.

Not only did the greedy monk not get the extra bone, but he also lost the one bone that he already had!

The Silent Monk was neither courageous, nor bold, nor visionary! He was just greedy and foolish and jealous.

He did not invest because he had a dire need of quick money. He just could not digest the fact that the school goers and backpackers are beating him at the investing game. In some way, it is good that he has learnt this lesson.

‘The Bitcoin Monk’ is now back to being ‘The Silent Monk’ and is writing an article about this on Medium.

Moral of the story is — “Be bold, and courageous and visionary! But don’t be greedy and foolish and jealous!”

And invest thoughtfully! It is your hard earned money!

P.S. Not an investment advice. Do your own research.
 — If you like retelling of Aesop’s fables, please refer to this list “Fables”.

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