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An Ode to all the Medium Editors — When Hollie Petit, Ph.D. Edits😃!

As an awful writer myself, I am always so grateful for all the efforts put in by the editors just to make the authors shine! And did I not tell you they are literally godsent 😲! Here is the background story!

Photo by Christophe Van der waals on Unsplash

High above the skies, there is a huge congregation of language fairies taking place and a very serious issue is being discussed! The eldest of the language fairy stood up and said —

Why are people destroying English language? Nobody cares about the correct word usage, let’s not even talk about grammar. Punctuation is practically non existent these days. And why is there a smiley for each and everything? Even for the expressions where there is no word yet, there is already a smiley.

We seriously need to do something to rectify the course of language, and bring it back on track!”

After so much deliberation, the congregation unanimously decided that they have to send a secret angel to Earth to help people improve their English language skills, and to educate them on how to write properly.

Armed with a laptop and loads and loads of coffee, the secret angel is very religiously spreading the message of love and positivity, besides educating writers about the proper use of English language!

A little bird once told me that she runs a publication titled “Everything Fun” on Medium! How would the stupid monk know who she is 😧!

Remember those butterflies, nervousness and fear when we would submit our high school essays for evaluation? Multiply it 10 times and more, and that is exactly how I feel when I submit a draft to “Everything Fun!” — because Hollie is going to edit it 😧!

There is no grammatical rule that she does not know, and her vision is so sharp that no mistake will go unnoticed! Even the mighty hawks are surprised how she can do that! The union of hawks has now launched an award in her honor named “Hollie’s vision” for the hawk who can spot the snakes in the most dense forest from the seventh sky! No point for guessing that no one has actually been able to pass that challenge yet!

And there is no line in your article that will not be read. It will be read and read again, edited and even highlighted to make sure that it is all correct — and all that to ensure that the awful author does not get a bad reputation for making critical grammatical errors!

And did you put the punctuation mark outside the bracket 😲! Be prepared to receive a note from her!

And there is a method for how she rectifies the mistakes!

— If there is a mistake, she does not send it back. But rather rectifies it herself!
— And even after that, she leaves a very polite note explaining the error. And if we, as awful writers, want to revert we are free to do so!

All the husbands and wives in the world wonder if their respective spouses can undertake a crash course from Hollie on “How to rectify mistakes in day to day life!”

Suppose you have created a mess at home, and your spouse does not even ask you to clean it. Rather he/she cleans it himself/herself, and then leaves a very polite note — “It should be cleaned and it is nicer this way. However, if you don’t like it, you can make it messy again. I won’t mind if you like it that way!”

The advance booking for her course is already full, and there is no vacant slot in the near future!

Through her methodology, she is also spreading the message that even when others are at fault and you are correcting them, do it with nothing but kindness!

The coffee farmers across the globe are all very happy because of awful writers like me!

No wonder yesterday ‘The Association of Coffee Farmers’ sent me a gift parcel comprising an assortment of their best coffee, with a greeting card that said the following —

Thank you for sending your articles to Everything Fun! The more mistakes you make, the more coffee Hollie drinks while editing!

We value your continuous support in tough times such as these!

For some reason, that coffee did not taste good!

On a very serious note, I wrote a story where I intentionally used “silent monk” and “Silent Monk” at different points purposefully! Note that the difference is only in the first alphabet’s case. I knew no one would identify this, let alone even bother to understand as to why I have made such a distinction! Guess what, everyone is not Hollie, and you don’t mess with Hollie! She spotted it in the very first read 😲, and left a very polite note!

I am glad that we are not submitting drafts as hard copies, otherwise she would color the paper red by highlighting all the mistakes!

Tony Stubblebine, if you are reading this (and you should be reading this to acknowledge all the amazing works the editors do!), please provide a grading button for Miss Hollie.

If she gives me anything better than an ‘F’, it is going on my resume!

Legend says that even the wind and the sun and the stars take a pause when she begins to edit! And that she also has a magical lens that captures all the errors in your article, and it shall be passed on to the most deserving candidate as her legacy!

Besides, the language fairies are all very happy with the work the secret angel has been doing!

The Silent Monk wonders if he can request a VIP pass for “Everything Fun” because when the publication grows to be so big that it gives smaller publications like Better Humans a scare for their existence — maybe he can use that pass — issued as an early admirer for “Everything Fun,” and hence jump the queue for his article 😃!

P.S. To all the editors who help me improve my work including Hollie Petit, Ph.D., John Hansen, Trisha Faye, Misbah, and to all the editors on Medium who always make the authors shine —

As writers, we may not always like that you find so many mistakes and comment about commas, and grammar, and errors! But deep down we know that it is purely for betterment of our own articles!

Therefore, thank you so so much for all your efforts, hard work and kindness.

P.P.S. To any of those who still don’t believe me, here are the edits she did in this article itself! I am truly an awful writer!

Edits made by the editor within this article! Snapshot taken from Medium Notifications!

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