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A shockingly true story — When a cat became the ruler of a birds kingdom 😲

Note to readers — Read it once and then read it again😃. Pun intended

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

There was once a very beautiful birds kingdom, blue in color, with more than a billion birds residing in the same. The kingdom was a happy place —free speech was promoted, and everyone was allowed to speak their minds. Since these were all birds, they used to chirp in short sentences — 250 characters or less 😃.

The birds would chirp, congratulate, argue, debate, fight — but all in good spirit. Even if someone was not able to speak his/her mind outside the kingdom, they were welcomed in this kingdom and their voice would be heard.

Over a period of time, the prestige of this kingdom spread far and wide, and grabbed the attention of everyone. Somewhere, there was a very smart and intelligent cat, who wanted to capture this kingdom. Legend says that the cat revolutionized the way human beings travel and was the first to send human beings to Mars.

The cat was keen on overtaking the birds kingdom. And so he made a plan. He highlighted all the flaws that were there in the beautiful birds kingdom, and shared a vision of how he can improve all the same. The birds management was convinced and so was the rest of the world. After all, who would doubt a Rockstar cat that has been so successful?

And so it happened, and with great ease, the cat became the ruler of the beautiful birds’ kingdom.

As soon as the cat got the reins of his kingdom, he started to execute his plans. But it soon came to forefront that for him, may be everything was about money and the financial stability of the kingdom, rather than the idea and philosophy behind it. Within days, the existing ministerial council of the kingdom, along with 50% of the workforce responsible for managing the kingdom, was laid off. This included all the departments responsible for maintaining free speech, including trust and safety, policy making, communication, content moderation, etc.

What was even worse, that now people would have to pay, if they want their voices to be louder. Just pay 7.99 cents, and your messages will overshadow the common (tw)eeps.

The entire world was witnessing this saga unfold, and was divided over the cat’s intention. His critics claimed that the cat has no idea or a comprehensive plan on how to run this birds kingdom — and lack of care and thoughtfulness in his actions. While there were others who supported the cat wholeheartedly, citing financial stability as the need of the hour.

As far as all the laid off birds were concerned, all of them left with their heads held high and were proud of creating a beautiful place that the kingdom was — a place where every voice was equal, a place where every message was heard, and a place that had the love and affection of all the animals across the globe.

A legend says that there was something called as “Twitter” back then, and #LoveWhereYouWorked was trending on it that day, due to all the heartfelt messages left by laid off employees.

What the cat does with the birds’ kingdom — it is yet to be seen. Whether it transforms the kingdom for good or bad, we all shall see. But one thing is for sure —it is not the same birds’ kingdom anymore. It may be a more beautiful, better and even richer version of what it is today, but it will be something else. Safe to say, that the spirit of the kingdom on which it was built is changing.

Some of the birds, who had built very beautiful nests in the kingdom with millions and thousands of birds following them, could not make peace with all the changes happening in the kingdom — abandoned their nests and flew away, only to never come back.

The story ends here.

In all this story that is unfolding around ourselves, there is one very important life message for all of us.

We must be very careful whom we are bringing into our lives, and what is the driving factor. Is it governed by love and care, or money and financial need, or some other motive?

Whatever might be the case and whosoever that person might be, it has the potential to change our entire life dynamics — just as one one single cat can overpower the spirit of the entire birds’ kingdom.

And the change, whether good or bad, only time has the power to determine that.

As I am writing this story, I just read the news “Twitter is getting acquired for $44 billion— I wonder if it has something to do with this fable😄.

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