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A Naked Prostitute, a Silent Monk and an Almighty God — and a conversation of love, hope and pain!

God Himself came to my dream and I asked him this stupid question! (#3 of 10)

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

She was standing there naked with innumerable heinous marks throughout her body — and every single of the body mark screaming a torture that she did not want to remember.

It appeared that her body had already started to rot even though she was still alive—or may be she was not?

Nobody cared about her soul, which was now long dead. All that remained was her body, which was satisfying the lust of numerous devils every single night.

God always fulfils his promise. And as He promised, He came to my dream for a third time for me to ask yet another question. But this time, it was not just the two of us. In our previous conversation, God said the following, and asked me to bring a friend — that is very dear to Him but is unfortunately not talking to Him anymore.

My Dearest Monk,

Can you bring a friend of mine to our conversation next time? She is among the most beautiful human beings, and very dear to me — but is apparently very angry with me, and ashamed of herself.

She is not talking to me these days but I wish to talk to her!

The street prostitute was standing with her head down and tears continuously rolling out of her eyes. I only looked at her body momentarily and saw a reflection of the world we live in — most horrifying, painful and terrorizing. There was not a single spot on her body that had not been tortured or disgraced. I don’t know if I was feeling sad or pain or disgust at our own world, but those were such strong heartfelt emotions that I had not experienced ever before. I just stood there crying, and continuously looking at God and the lady from time to time.

She was ashamed of herself for doing all she had to do, but was also angry at God for putting her in such a situation. Controlling her emotions, she raised her face, and with a very heavy heart said the following —

“Not a single day goes by where I do not hate myself.

I wonder if the only purpose of my life is to satisfy men who spit on me, slap me, pour alcohol over me, even pee on me — and to all of it, I smile and ask for more of the same.

One of Your sons kept beating me with a belt, and all I did was to express my pain in such a manner that only arouses him more. Behind these close doors, I see men of respectable and reputable character — Your men of respectable and reputable character— turn into creatures that are beyond animals.

Every night is a hell, and every morning I stand in front of a mirror trying to gauge all the new wounds. The physical trauma can be seen through the wounds on my body, but no one can understand the mental pain every night inflicts upon me.

And in that every moment of hatred, I curse you as well for putting me through this.

I ask you and ask you again, did you create all these beings?

She let out a cry that shook me from inside. She was crying inconsolably, and so was I. Her words “I ask you and ask you again, did you create all these beings?” — were echoing and refuse to fade out as if every element of the environment — including myself — asking God the same question.

She wanted to speak but could only let out a very painful cry — that was saying more than a thousand words. After a very long pause and once she gathered herself back, she said the following:

I consider you responsible, I really do.

But I am also aware that I have sinned. And my body is an evidence of all the sinful deeds I have done.

All that I seek is forgiveness and a little mercy from you.

The moment she stopped speaking, I turned towards God — and both of us were eagerly waiting to hear what God has to say. Yet He did not say anything, and there was silence for a very long time.

Instead, God kept looking at her with a gaze that had so much love, hope and compassion in it. Eventually as He always does, God smiled in the most pleasant manner and replied with the most soothing words:

My dearest child,

People do more sin with their mind in a moment — than you have done with your body in your entire life.

The most beautiful lotus blooms in the dirtiest of water — but the dirty swamp can never take away even an inch of the beauty of the lotus. Even after living in the dirtiest of water, your mind has not lost its beauty, and that is why you are so dear to me.

And don’t be ashamed of yourself my child, because I love you deeply.

Remember my child, your life has been difficult, and so is for every other human around you. But at every point in our life, we always have to choose between the right path and the wrong path. My own children, all of whom I love so much, often choose the wrong path — and so did you. Tell me my child, did you get happiness by choosing this path?

I can only guide you, but it is up to you to choose or not to choose the path of righteousness. And I know, you will do the right thing and have a very beautiful life ahead of you.

There was silence yet again. The sun, the moon, the birds, the stars — all were listening to this conversation between God, the lady and the monk. Only God has the compassion to love someone that had been ridiculed not only by the society but by her own self.

The tears from the lady were yet not stopping, and so were mine. But the beautiful lady had gotten all the answers and much more. She bowed before God and disappeared from the dream.

And now remains only two people — God who is still pleasantly smiling, and The Silent Monk is crying, and crying profusely.

Looking at the Silent Monk, God said again in the most pleasant manner —

My dearest Monk,

Remember, the world only ridicules the lady who has sold her body. But what about a priest who has sold his faith for money, or a soldier who sold his nation, or a servant who betrayed his dutiful master, or an unethical teacher who gave knowledge only to the richest?

If you call the lady a prostitute and ridicule her, how would you call and treat such priests, soldiers, servants, teachers (and many more)? They are in abundance and all around you!

I only nodded to what He said, and was still feeling so grateful for this conversation. I bowed before him and said —

Dear God,

This was not the question I asked but it is the answer I needed to hear. You know me more than I would ever know myself.

As I was still deeply reflecting on this conversation, the 4 A.M. alarm clock rang and it was time for me to get up and write this article. But before I could do that, there was a message I had to share with God — 
“Dear God, Many of your followers are reading our conversations. They often give me the message and wanted me to transfer to you.”

To this God replied, that only made me laugh at my own stupidity:

My dearest Monk,

Tell Calista Agoha that I know she loves and I love her more. She will do great things in life. Also tell Jenny Lane that all her questions will be answered by life itself. She does not need to ask you for them. And tell Trisha Faye that I have made her stronger than all the adversities she will ever face in life, and that she will do just fine in the busy February month.

Also, give my regards to all the readers who respond to our conversations, and to those as well who read and clap but hesitate to respond.

It is now time for me to leave, and I shall be back when you have the fourth question.

With this, the conversation ended. The dream ended. I woke up and began writing this article.

P.S. This concludes #3 of a 10 part series. Also, here is a link to all the articles in this series. The fourth story of the series is as below:

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