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3 types of love seekers—Which one are you?

Aren’t we always seeking something?

Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

We are constantly in a search — be it the search for love, the search for money, the search of spiritual enlightenment, or the search for solution to a problem we are facing. Everyone is seeking something, but what they seek varies from one human being to another!

Yet the universe has its own mysterious ways of working. Based upon how the universe provides, the world can be categorized into three categories.

Although it is applicable for all the things we seek (power, love, money, peace), it has been explained below in the context of love:

I. The Gifted Ones

You meet someone during childhood and immediately fall in love. You grow together, and eventually marry your childhood sweetheart. You have kids, lead a happy life and eventually spend your golden sunset years in each other arms! You held each other hands during childhood and did not leave until death makes you part. Life is nothing short of a romantic movie.

Such people are The Gifted Ones for which everything comes easy. They don’t have to plan their next steps as the universe is doing this for them.

Life is nothing but an easy straight line path for them.

II. The Wanderers

Then there are the ones who constantly struggles. The matters of love and life have not come easily to them. They fall in love only to experience heart break. They are the seekers, and hence are constantly trying hard to find true love. Yet the universe only gives them heartbreaks in return.

Some fall once, some fall twice and some continue to fall throughout their life — and are never able to find what they seek.

Such people are The Wanderers, and life for them is often a struggle! They keep on trying, only to fail, rebound and try again.

Their path for love and life is anything but a straight path.

III. The Monks

These are the ones who have decided to renounce everything! They renounce the process of finding love and companionship in a mortal human being — and in the process also renounce all the happiness and sadness associated with the same. This is a state of peace.

Such people are The Monks and they do not challenge the universe to fulfil their wish list, but rather receive with open arms whatever the universe has to provide, and are content with it.

They put up a wall between themselves and the things others so desperately seek.

Which category do we all fall in?

We might be cursing all “The Gifted Ones” and how we all have been “The Wanderers” throughout all our life — but there is more to it.

One could be gifted in the matters of love, but might be a wanderer in their professional life. One might be a wanderer in the path of spiritual enlightenment, but could be totally a monk in the matters of money.

We are nothing but an amalgamation of all the three types — “The Gifted ones”, “The Wanderers”, and “The Monks” — with respect to different things and at different points in our lives.

In the end, Life is often not that cruel after all, and there is a balance in each and everything it provides. We often see all the aspects of our life where we are the wanderers or where we are the monks, but fail to see where we are the gifted ones. We should make time to reflect on the areas of our lives where we are the gifted ones, and simultaneously continue our search in the areas where we are the wanderers.

In the matters of Love, which category do you fall into? And one area where you have been “A Wanderer” all your life?

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